Have you ever stopped to wonder where your food actually comes from? No, not which grocery store or which distribution center that store got it from, but where it REALLY comes from.
Not an easy question to answer, right? That's because our society today doesn't value that knowledge. We're so wrapped up in our busy lives, that when we go to the grocery store we just put whatever we think we need or like in our basket without taking a second glance. Some of us may look at labels or nutrition facts if we're dieting, but how much do those labels actually tell us about that product? Next to nothing.
How many of you had breakfast this morning? How many of you had an animal product as your breakfast such as eggs, bacon, or milk for your cereal? How many of you can tell me where the people who claim ownership of the product got their resources from? Didn't think so. Well, according to a study done by the ASPCA in 2014, 99% of farm animals raised in the U.S. were raised on factory farms. So with that knowledge in mind, I can tell you that 99% of the animals products you buy in the store comes from a place of gross negligence, horrendous animal cruelty, and zero morality.
Animals raised on factory farms are subjected to daily abuse and neglect since the day they're born, seen as only a product instead of a living being.
Chickens are probably the most neglected animals on farms today, by the government and by the hands of the soulless people who work on these farms. The Humane Slaughter Act passed in 1978 that requires animals to be rendered unconscious before slaughter (which is either ignored half the time or just doesn't work) does not include poultry under that protection. Male chicks who are unfortunate enough to be born into the egg industry are tossed in a macerator and ground up alive almost immediately after hatching because they are seen as unnecessary. Female chicks, however, are sent to begin production just like all the other hens. Their beaks are seared off by a hot blade so as to prevent them from peaking their neighbors (because they're tightly packed with very little room to move) or from harming themselves due to stress. Chickens raised for meat are often given hormones to make them grow bigger faster, which sometimes cripples them because their skeletons are not designed to hold that much weight. When they're sent to slaughter, it's done in one of two ways: being hung up by their feet in shackles and dipped into an electric bath, then (after a 92% success rate of actually being able to stun the bird) going along a conveyer belt with a blade that slits their throat as they pass by. OR they could just be strangled and have their necks broken at the hands of farmers in front of their peers.
I've only just given you a small slice of what goes on behind closed doors of this industry. Most of us close our eyes to it and say "we don't want to know", but that's what's wrong! If we ignore the problem and try to pretend it's not there just so we can have our bacon in the morning without feeling guilty, how utterly selfish is that? What if we still had the same mentality about slavery? People NEED to get informed about what's really going on so that something can be done about it. Blindly buying products from companies who get their resources from these huge factory farms directly supports and contributes to the horrible happenings that go on there.
I implore you to watch this video to get a better glimpse of what goes on. There are tons and tons of educational literature out there and other video footage that will reveal the disgusting nature of these factory farms.
It starts with you. Make a change in your own life today.
This is a usefull article. This is what i need for a school project. Thank you for helping me. :D